Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Everything is Good .. I Think?

So me and Trevor talked and all that nonsense and he is really pushing me to be more active and just ... non-lazy. I can't say I blame him. I feel bad that he's sits at his house, waits for me, only to have me to come in and wanna fall asleep. @.@ Bleh. I don't mean to it's just ... his bed is soooo comfy! And besides that it smells like him. Mmmmm.

On a side note I have to go get everything replaced like my drivers license and all that, it had gotten stolen I think, though on a different occasion than my car getting broken into.

So off to making lists and going on a bike ride. Toodles!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summer Fun & Stress All In One

Blah, I'm so lazy. I haven't been getting anything done that I've said I would. Besides the fact that it's fathers day tomorrow and all (bought my dad some Carhartt shorts he wanted) I really don't give a **** about anything. I've been so lethargic lately that I think I'm going to try and take some iron supplements for the fact that I'm going vegetarian, starting today. It's the beginning of a new week .. and the start of a new way of life. I feel good about this.

Also, I made up a little chart for myself that seperates what calories to the max I should be taking and what I actually take in, plus weight and then weight for the week lost/gained. I also am prolly gonna have to fit in somewhere what I ate and what each thing was. That'll help me. ALSO, stretching and cardio for some length of time each day. I know at least stretching tomorrow morning when I get up ... but I dunno. It depends on how much time I have if I wanna possibly go on a walk (with my Thor-man, hehe).

I'll try to update more tomorrow since I'm starting to get drowsy and I still have more cleaning to do and laundry before I go to bed. @-@;;