Saturday, February 28, 2009

Massage Parties & Hospital Bills

Well not this past week, but the week before on Monday I fell really ill within a short amount of time. My sides in pain and excessive vomiting were the main symptoms besides a slight fever of 99.3 and well, it wasn't fun. I first went to the urgent care where they gave me anti-nausea medicine as well as a Motrin-type shot and then ended up sending my to the hospital. While I waited for about 4-5 hours I couldn't believe the volume of people were in that place. Long short short I went in, got some x-rays, was told I had kidney stones, and was sent off with 3 prescriptions and another set of shots. Fuck that.

I ended up staying my bed all of that week and Sunday, before I went to work on Monday and then passed the stone on Tuesday - fun stuff.

So I yeah, apparently I didn't have insurnace and had to call Meijer Benifets to talk to them. They told me there had been a glitch in the system and then put me back on, and damn when I got those bills without the insurance -whistles- I'm glad I got it. So I called everyone up and had to give them my insurance information, yay! No lapse in coverage! -dances-

All that has passed, I ended up missing photography club - whom I still owe $20 - and a few plans with friends, which I still feel horrible about. Though a lot of thinking and dreaming was done over that time. I've decided to try and start working on my violin again, though I first need to get the money to fix one of the strings pegs that is stripped. ><
Tonight we went to the Able's house for a massage party, and lemme tell you, if you haven't had a massage with heat stones - you gotta! They're amazing and just ... wow it felt sooo good. Besides seeing everyone, talking about World Inferno coming back to town on April 9th! FUCK YEAH. I'm stoked. It was good to see everyone.

I will have to stop by Catherine's(mom#2) and see if we are doing any photography stuff. If not I think I will call Laura since I've not seen her since a little while before my kidney stone incident. Blech.


Monday, February 02, 2009

Foozeball vs. Boozeball

Well, today was an interesting day to say the least. The VERY least at that.

Anyway, got home and took a nap. When I got up I was surprised when it was like .. 7ish and the game kick off was at 6:20? here I was, sleeping when I was supposed to be up and taking mom and dad to the game. I was surprised that no one had gotten me up. The sound of the t.v. also confused me since my first thought was that they would've went without me, regardless.

Mom was home, since apparently the party started before the game .. at like 4. So dad went ahead and mom stayed behind, was watching a movie when I got up, and we were ready and heading over around 8. I ended up staying and hanging out, since I haven't stayed for one of Mark Merriam's parties in quite awhile, and everyone was happy to see me.

Laura, my mom's friend from way back, pulled me over to introduce me to this lovely lady I hadn't talked to since forever! Like, 16 years. Her boys, Laura's boys and me all used to get babysat by this nice lady named Mrs. Shock, who we all just called Grandma Shock. Man, good times! I grew up rough-housing with those boys, oddly enough I hardly have any guy-friends I still talk to now-a-days; only my boy and his buds on occasion. But anyway, apparently were gonna all get together and have a dinner thing - which would be cool. ^-^

All in all, it was an alright party. Oh yeah, this is me and Mark, the host of our wonderful, headache pounding party.
