Saturday, November 01, 2008

Here's to the GYM!!

So I've been trying to get to the gym more often - speaking of - my official gym card came in the mail! Whoot! Now I won't have that flimsy thing I gotta carry around. Hehe. Anywho ..

Trevor and I went to Blakes Haunted Hay Ride and Haunted Barn -- I love that place! Escpecially the "Black Hole" at the end cause it makes you feel like you're gonna fall over. xD hehehe. I <3 it. He was talking about making it a tradition from now on to go there on Halloween - I'm all for it! Heh, on a side note - Happy First Kiss Baby! xD;; Yes i'm gay. lol.

Well, I got home about two hours ago and helped dad do the leaves - even though I was supposed to be here three hours before that (10am). -__-;; Well geez, staying out late at Lisa's party didn't help either though. blah. Speaking of! I will have to upload all those pictures of mine as well ... and make sure I do my laundry and whatnot.

Sad news, my grandfather is in the hospital again and it has me worried. He was in there before for getting his gall bladder removed and then had to stay in there because when they took it out it was infected and the infection went into his stomach. -sighs- But he's getting a pace-maker put in on Monday - maybe I will be able to go up and see him. I also want to print out a picture of me and him that my mom took last Thanksgiving. =) at least .. I think it was .. I'm pretty sure though. >.<

Right, rambling and all that. I swear I could probably go on forever if ya let me! xD;;


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