Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Shivers & NaNoWriMo??

Well the one thing that is bugging me is the fact that my room is SO freaking cold and the rest of the house is warm. >.< Grr. -suffers stubbornly instead of getting a blanket-

Anywho, recently I've really not been happy with work and I am looking into finding another job since Meijers is really pushing my patience. I mean, I haven't been late in awhile but now I'm getting written up because 'The Amazon' like to watch us from the back room. Well fuck her because I had that floor looking awesome! Though I am wondering about if I was supposed to do an order or not. Oh well, we're definately not a busy store so hopefully I'll cross my fingers and we don't have a rare occurence where we're busy or otherwise. O.o;; Plus CAO always comes in as well so we're not totally screwed if I was supposed to .. besides! As Sharon always says "you're a specialty clerk, your not supposed to do the jobs of others you're not specified to do" Oye!

Recently, last week actually, I've joined a gym! I actually used to go there with my mom but years back we quite because of money issues. Me and Trevor signed up on Wednesday last week and it's been great so far! I'm probably going to go up there for a bit and then possibly call Maria and see if she's available. ^-^ Then I'll have to remember and see if she got Laura's Elphaba stage make-up or not and also pay her for it. xD; And possibly have a small photoshoot. The one with Trevor will possibly have to wait a bit longer. Oooo ... punks in winter? xD I'll have to post some pictures if/when it happens. Plus Maria wants to do some staged pictures with blood and all that jazz.

NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month --- which takes place in November and is all about writing a novel in a month. It sounds like a lot of fun and since I only have work and play -- I'll have plenty of free time to try and fit this in! xD But yes, I have to be heading off to bed soon .. possibly wake up early to shop and whatnot before work. ^^


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