Friday, December 05, 2008

Weird noises & Stuff


Ahem, anywho! I have been working on two skins today, very time consuming I might add as well as getting sucked into making another character for a board I'm on as well. It's so exciting .. drama! XD Yea .. I am a sucker for rps and the like. But now my fingers are stiff and my legs and butt hurt from sitting here all day. Damnit. >> I need a social life. Lol

Randomness #2: there's something in the vent above my door that goes into the hallway cause everytime the fan for our furnace somes on a weird buzzing noise comes from it. But it's only in my room you can hear it and it's ONLY when teh door is closed all the way .. if you open it it goes away .. O.o

-cough- so .. I need people to be my models. I'm craving doing a photoshoot but can't find anybody who wants to! O_O; driving me craaazzyyyyy...

Alright, that's enough for now. Really, only because my brain is mush and I can't think of much else but vampires, lycans, drama, CODING YAAY ORANGE, and random bits of fluff.


1 comment:

The Orange said...

Roflcopter, you should totally get Master to model for you. <3 Meh, maybe you could do a mini photoshoot with one of your pets. Put 'em up on DA for stock and ask if anyone wants to model for you or something. I would but...I'm about a thousand miles south. x-X;

As for the thing with the door and the weird noises, it's my ghost. I only talk to you when the door is closed. ;3