Thursday, January 15, 2009

Yarn, the Mall & Wii Games!

So .. today I got to hang out with my wonderful friend Laura ;D She and I made our rounds to Jo-Ann fabrics, Best Buy (to check her schedule), and also the mall wear we went to F.y.e, where I had to run back out to my car after I got to check out and realized I left my stuff outside in her car. Borders, though Laura didn't find what she wanted. American Eagle, where she DID find a hoodie and shirt for some store thing. Finally, Victoria's Secret, where she bought a bra (and FREE PANTIES) lol. >>;;

Anywho, besides that I've been planning on starting to make some stuff, though I haven't gotten off the ground with it. Though soon as I do! It will be awesome. I also have a huge To-Do list that I'm contemplating putting on here but I'm not sure. o-o Though it might give me some motivation. lol.

Yea, I've been working on planning out doing things once a day, but so far it's just stuff in my head. Though I swear after this I will make a plan and see what I can do! This includes learning more CSS, maybe even some Java, working on my graphics more and re-painting things with teh tablet, coloring with the tablet, drawing different poses, working on reading up on styles with necklaces as well as thinking up some. And so much more! Besides all the sites I'm on... I sorta gotta organize my time with those too. O-o;; Damnit.

Oh yeah, I cleaned my room pretty good the other day, I'm so proud! ^0^ I just gotta do finishing touches with my desk and a little bit in my bookcase. Hehe.

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