Saturday, January 17, 2009

Random Thoughts & Whatnot

I'm not very good at titles, am I? -points up and chuckles-

Anyway, the memorial was today (Sat) and it was alright, mostly it was just a lot of people Trevor hadn't seen since he was a kid, as they all kept saying that and doing the gesture of him being only knee high. ^^; I got to see his niece though and she was the most adorable thing ever. She really looked like the pictures of Sue when she was younger.

I was talking, though, to Al's good friend and his wife - though his wife mostly. Just about a few random things like cosmetology school and all that and how I could apply for grants and whatnot to go for free. I honestly had no idea about grants .. I just knew about the scholarships that you can get from different companies and all.

Randomly I'm updating my wishlist. To make it easier for mom. ;D for my birthday that is. lol

Toodles all.

1 comment:

Diana said...

How about I get YOU what you got ME? For your Birthday I mean! LOL