Monday, December 21, 2009

Manipulations & Some Stress

So for my first order of business I said I'd post up my manip I finished of the band member graphic I did. =] And here it is! Whoot! I'm really glad they liked it!

Phew. Anyways, lately it's been rough. Recently my mom has been to the hospital after an MRI resulted in "findings" and the doctor told us that she had a mass on the left side of her brain. It is too deep to remove with effecting both her motor skills and speech permanently. This all happened starting last week on Wednesday. =[ She was recently supposed to have a biopsy but there was a mis-communication about the day and they wanted to do it on Christmas Eve .. mom passed in favor of just doing it on Monday of next week. I've been really stressed out and just a mess in the head and at work, suck it up Jess! heh.

Anywho, I have basically the whole rest of the week off. (pause as Trevor called ^^) Might wander on over to Trevors house for a portion of the day. Mom said something about going to see Nikki and her mom tomorrow morning so we'll see what happens then. I also gotta put that black duct tape to use and tape up my back window before it rains/snows again. @-@;; urgh.

Anywho! Christmas shopping is done for now ... I mean, I'm going to find out some stuff tomorrow and see if what I wanna get will work for Nikki but yeah. ♥ I think that's all for now, I gotta go stress over a manipulation I said I'd do. ><

♥ Toodles.

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