Sunday, November 22, 2009

Relaxing after Teratoma Concert!!!

Boy was that an awesome show! I only disliked one band out of the four and by dislike I mean not like as much as the others .. the vocals were .. not fitting of the musicians that were playing. =/ Sorta sad but it happens and I had an awesome time. =D The usual crowd was there and I saw both people from the Joker get-together's as well as people I'd only see over at the Hallows! It was an awesome time and I know just about everyone had a rockin' time. I took a lot of pictures though I only had my long lens with me so most of the pictures I could've gotten of just people close up had to be skipped since I need to be at least 5 feet away and THEN I'm only getting your head and possibly your shoulders. xD lol. Anywho, here following this rambling of an adolecent female is some pictures freshly uploaded to the interwebs for your entertainment ..

Allie ♥ She's so pretty. xD I bet she doesn't even try. grr, jealous!

Zachary Windchester Phillips is the most amazing guy ever. Lol. singer that is. He is hilarious and in-between each of the bands he sung these amazing parodies and had me cracking up so hard! He also throws some pretty awesome parties too. xD

So the diet is going well thus far and I'm going to try to get under 200 by either next weekend OR the middle of the week after. ;D Wish me luck! DDR and walking the dog .. here I come!

That's all for now, nest installment will be a manip I did of pictures of the band smashed together. xD cause I am too lazy to upload five separte ones. xD WHOOT.

♥ Toodles.

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