Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Stares & Cleaning

Yesterday was pretty fun, though I had to work in the morning I had only worked a half shift because I thought I had school at 11 ... well school doesn't start until next week! -_-; So I ended up going over to Trev's and telling him after I got offa work at 10 and then we slept at least until 2:30 in the afternoon. What fun, eh? We went up to Richmond and got stared at by this lady in Kroger cause we were wearing our bandannas I think .. I mean, besides the fact we were wearing clothes that were patched up and whatnot .. it was totally the bandannas. Haha. I think she was also dumbfounded since we asked her where the health food section was and I had to go into detail as say soy products and whatnot. Stupid ass.

Then we ended up going around to banks and shit cause Trev needed to pay some stuff and then basically chilled at his house and fixed his car up. YAY! The thing was, that it had been taken apart for at least a week or more and it was just time to fuckin' get that thing workin'.

So I should prolly start cleaning my room and shit, since I need to wait for the male parental to get home so I can help put the x-mas stuff back up into the shed so it doesn't stay laying around the house forever. We already have too much crap in this house because of my mom's business. Well, not crap per say but everything of hers ends up leaking into almost every room but the bedrooms and bathrooms. ^^;

Toodles for now.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

School and Fun!

Well, school is starting on Monday and I have to say that -- AH! I dun wanna! But I made a promise to myself, my mother, and my boyfriend that I would do much better this year (my GPA will love me for it). I also wanna try and keep up on this blog because having one, or a journal or that matter, to look back to is always cool. :3 I mean, a hand-written one is awesome but typing is just SO much easier! Hehe. I just hope this place stays up for awhile! I haven't really been part of a blogging community really until now -- though minus the community part since it doesn't have the groups (or does it?) that a lot of people join and invite people with similar interests and all that like live journal used to do.

So Trevor's car has been acting up so I think I might be driving for awhile to school, which also reminds me I need to sign into the school's web site and look up my schedule for this semester. x) Me and Trevor finally were able to sign up for classes together so our schedules are right in line with each other so we get all our free time together! :3 Yay! Speaking of Trevor I have to get in touch with him to get him to come over to Larry's when he gets offa work since I forgot that I had plans with him and I was just asked to babysit - doh! Oh well, I might head up there to see him for a bit and tell him since Larry doesn't need me until 8-ish he said.

I so need to work on my graphics more, ugh! I mean, I subscribed to deviantart and all and need to update! Plus I need to get my photography account up and running. ^^

Anywho, now I'm getting distracted because there's more peoples in the house and all and one of my friends is over. So I'm gonna save more of my rantings for .. tomorrow I guess. ^^;

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Christmas, Annaversaries and Work

Things have been going well so far. It being just after the holidays I feel ... blah I guess you could say. I got a few nice things for Christmas and all, a massaging mat and G.H. III which me and my bf, Trevor, have been playing adamantly since I brought it over his house. I don't mind leaving it over there just cause I know he'll take good care of it like he takes care of me. Our anniversary is 12.22 and though there were no presents or anything, he took me out to dinner to a place called 'The Melting Pot' - for those of you who don't know what this place is - it's a fondue restaurant. The place was beautiful! And we got a booth that was in a small, more secluded side room that was really great. I loved going and we talking about going back for our next anni but I suppose we'll just have to see.

Last night I got to go over my friend Laura's house, we made a run to Taco Bell and then watched the Resident Evil Trilogy -- with her there explaining some things it made more sense than ever! xD Hehehe. She's lucky she has money to throw around with box sets and such - though speaking of box-sets I used some of my x-mas money to buy myself one; Fruits Basket! <33 I've finished the first two DVDs but I haven't started the other ones. What sucks though is that it only goes up to 26 Episodes which is only part-way through the series. I would LOVE if they came out with another box-set. -dancedance-

So I was working yesterday, New Years Day - fun? O.o ... anywho, and had to get there at 6 am. Besides the thick, sticky snow (gigglesnort) I made it there alright since I had spent the night over Trevor's the night before, who lived 5 minutes away from my work. I get there and I'm working with Rob, who is the meat cutter ( for everyones information who DOESN'T know me that well - or just hasn't heard be talk about my job - I work in the meat/seafood department of a grocery store ) and supposedly this new girl is coming in an hour later. Well 7 o'clock rolls around and she's still not there .. and I'm talking with Rob about it since she's called in and not shown up to work quite a few times within the past couple weeks. You see, we all have scheduled jobs, Rob cuts the meat and fills the counter, I was supposed to unload the shipment that came in (which was 5 pallets for those of you who are in retail and know what I'm talking about - or know someone who is) and work everything and make the back room look pretty. She was supposed to set up the fresh counter, where you buy all the fish fillets, frozen fish, and fresh beef, pork, etc. Well it gets to about 7:30 when the morning grocery manager comes over and tells me she quit. This translates to -- now I gotta do two peoples work when I knew I would barely finish my own job on time. SHIT. Lemme tell you - I was pissed right the hell off. O.o -sighs- but I suppose it's a good thing because we're going to be getting our hours cut soon and with her quitting it gives my manager, Kenny, more hours to work with and disperse.

I just realized I didn't make a New Years resolution ... uh ... no wait - do better in school! Eheh. ^^;

But I suppose that's enough ranting. :3 Toodles minna-san!