Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Stares & Cleaning

Yesterday was pretty fun, though I had to work in the morning I had only worked a half shift because I thought I had school at 11 ... well school doesn't start until next week! -_-; So I ended up going over to Trev's and telling him after I got offa work at 10 and then we slept at least until 2:30 in the afternoon. What fun, eh? We went up to Richmond and got stared at by this lady in Kroger cause we were wearing our bandannas I think .. I mean, besides the fact we were wearing clothes that were patched up and whatnot .. it was totally the bandannas. Haha. I think she was also dumbfounded since we asked her where the health food section was and I had to go into detail as say soy products and whatnot. Stupid ass.

Then we ended up going around to banks and shit cause Trev needed to pay some stuff and then basically chilled at his house and fixed his car up. YAY! The thing was, that it had been taken apart for at least a week or more and it was just time to fuckin' get that thing workin'.

So I should prolly start cleaning my room and shit, since I need to wait for the male parental to get home so I can help put the x-mas stuff back up into the shed so it doesn't stay laying around the house forever. We already have too much crap in this house because of my mom's business. Well, not crap per say but everything of hers ends up leaking into almost every room but the bedrooms and bathrooms. ^^;

Toodles for now.

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