Saturday, January 05, 2008

School and Fun!

Well, school is starting on Monday and I have to say that -- AH! I dun wanna! But I made a promise to myself, my mother, and my boyfriend that I would do much better this year (my GPA will love me for it). I also wanna try and keep up on this blog because having one, or a journal or that matter, to look back to is always cool. :3 I mean, a hand-written one is awesome but typing is just SO much easier! Hehe. I just hope this place stays up for awhile! I haven't really been part of a blogging community really until now -- though minus the community part since it doesn't have the groups (or does it?) that a lot of people join and invite people with similar interests and all that like live journal used to do.

So Trevor's car has been acting up so I think I might be driving for awhile to school, which also reminds me I need to sign into the school's web site and look up my schedule for this semester. x) Me and Trevor finally were able to sign up for classes together so our schedules are right in line with each other so we get all our free time together! :3 Yay! Speaking of Trevor I have to get in touch with him to get him to come over to Larry's when he gets offa work since I forgot that I had plans with him and I was just asked to babysit - doh! Oh well, I might head up there to see him for a bit and tell him since Larry doesn't need me until 8-ish he said.

I so need to work on my graphics more, ugh! I mean, I subscribed to deviantart and all and need to update! Plus I need to get my photography account up and running. ^^

Anywho, now I'm getting distracted because there's more peoples in the house and all and one of my friends is over. So I'm gonna save more of my rantings for .. tomorrow I guess. ^^;

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