Tuesday, September 09, 2008

NYC & Weddings

Besides the fact that I waited way too long to make the dress for Heidi's wedding .. this week is uneventful so far --- forget the fact it's only Monday. =x lol. I've been catching up with graphics requests and am about to kick ass finishing up them tomorrow/today and also finishing my dress. x.x Which I suspect will take the day since we worked on it for 6-7 hours today and got two parts finished. Hopefully it will come together .. and I really hope it fits my fat ass -- DAMNIT.

Anywho, I'm going to be really putting my foot down. I haven't even touched Trevors bag[murse] in a really long time so I think on the way to NYC I might work on that and maybe even bring one of my knitting projects as well. Man .. just thought about it .. I need shoes. And to go to the bank tomorrow. I guess $150 at least is being taken out for hotel/gas/shoes. The ending item hopefully not going past $25 or some crap. And I'm so gonna try to bring my camera. <3 Or I might steal my old camera back from Trevor for this trip and then give it back after. <3 hehe. I mean .. it's easier to transport and all that at least. O.o;;

Toodles for now.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Merow .. ?

Feeling somewhat better ... okay a lot better and starting to work on ideas both for my personal website and as well as ideas for some dA submissions since I wanna draw in some people - ya know? I mean, I know commissions wouldn't be the best way to get money but if I can get myself into a schedule I think I can do it.

Also! I got most of the pieces for the dress cut out today, me and Trevor sorta had a group sewing pow-wow thing and he sat and was working on patching a friends pants while I worked on my dress. I'm actually really tempted to at least finish the lining -- the frustrating part is just the cutting and lining the pieces up because the main material is so thick, and it was hard enough to pin by itself, now it's double frustrating because I'm trying to pin another two layers of fabric to the main material and it's .. BLAH.

Besides that I need to get to work on my posts. Which I've now joined a Wolf RP run by Mou and her friend .. o.o -sweatdrop- and I started up a mini-request thread at the RPGC. AHH! Well, I have two requests at ED and one to finish at WD and then I'm set there .. and two at this mini-request place. O.o;; urgh. I hope I can get this crap done fast! Plus maintain all my boards. =P I need to test out a multi-colored name code that a member at ED gave me and a few other things as well. Oh yeah, I need to finish the two ... three tutorials I have started for TT. -sighs- and maybe get lots of sleep -- I've been so sleepy lately. u__u;;

Toodles. <33

Monday, September 01, 2008

UGH and double UGH

Right now I am really at my wits end with my mom and I don't know why. I mean, I can barely stand talking to her anymore right now because all she has to say is something that I do wrong or something that I NEED to be doing or just NAGGING in general. It drives me up the wall, makes me grind my teeth, and just makes me want to scream and forget I wanted to do anything. I dunno, she gets under my skin to the point of pain. I planned on doing so much today and I just don't know .. I can't.

I think it's because we're so much alike or something .. I dunno, that's fine and dandy but I just need a break. I can't get along with my dad but I just .. it's like scratching nails and TEETH down a chalkboard .. imagine that .. feel the shiver? yea...

Besides all that I'm going to lay out Heidi's dress tomorrow on my blanket, great idea Mom #2!, and get everything cut out. That is my goal! If I can get to the piecing then that's super. >P I have 9 days to do this like 7 part dress. Though help will be needed for the pleats and mom # 2 is helping .. so we're all good. I hope it fits fine though, since I've lost a little bit of weight. Yay me.

Been working on all sorts of stuff! I need to get some D-rings from the hardware store for Trevors bag since he got me a strap and then I'm just gonna patch it up and tah-dah! A simple project I never set my mind too. Damnit. =( I wish I would've finished it faster. Trevor's so patient and even helps push me along. <3 I love you baby.

Toodles for now.