Tuesday, September 09, 2008

NYC & Weddings

Besides the fact that I waited way too long to make the dress for Heidi's wedding .. this week is uneventful so far --- forget the fact it's only Monday. =x lol. I've been catching up with graphics requests and am about to kick ass finishing up them tomorrow/today and also finishing my dress. x.x Which I suspect will take the day since we worked on it for 6-7 hours today and got two parts finished. Hopefully it will come together .. and I really hope it fits my fat ass -- DAMNIT.

Anywho, I'm going to be really putting my foot down. I haven't even touched Trevors bag[murse] in a really long time so I think on the way to NYC I might work on that and maybe even bring one of my knitting projects as well. Man .. just thought about it .. I need shoes. And to go to the bank tomorrow. I guess $150 at least is being taken out for hotel/gas/shoes. The ending item hopefully not going past $25 or some crap. And I'm so gonna try to bring my camera. <3 Or I might steal my old camera back from Trevor for this trip and then give it back after. <3 hehe. I mean .. it's easier to transport and all that at least. O.o;;

Toodles for now.

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