Friday, September 05, 2008

Merow .. ?

Feeling somewhat better ... okay a lot better and starting to work on ideas both for my personal website and as well as ideas for some dA submissions since I wanna draw in some people - ya know? I mean, I know commissions wouldn't be the best way to get money but if I can get myself into a schedule I think I can do it.

Also! I got most of the pieces for the dress cut out today, me and Trevor sorta had a group sewing pow-wow thing and he sat and was working on patching a friends pants while I worked on my dress. I'm actually really tempted to at least finish the lining -- the frustrating part is just the cutting and lining the pieces up because the main material is so thick, and it was hard enough to pin by itself, now it's double frustrating because I'm trying to pin another two layers of fabric to the main material and it's .. BLAH.

Besides that I need to get to work on my posts. Which I've now joined a Wolf RP run by Mou and her friend .. o.o -sweatdrop- and I started up a mini-request thread at the RPGC. AHH! Well, I have two requests at ED and one to finish at WD and then I'm set there .. and two at this mini-request place. O.o;; urgh. I hope I can get this crap done fast! Plus maintain all my boards. =P I need to test out a multi-colored name code that a member at ED gave me and a few other things as well. Oh yeah, I need to finish the two ... three tutorials I have started for TT. -sighs- and maybe get lots of sleep -- I've been so sleepy lately. u__u;;

Toodles. <33

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