Sunday, November 22, 2009

Relaxing after Teratoma Concert!!!

Boy was that an awesome show! I only disliked one band out of the four and by dislike I mean not like as much as the others .. the vocals were .. not fitting of the musicians that were playing. =/ Sorta sad but it happens and I had an awesome time. =D The usual crowd was there and I saw both people from the Joker get-together's as well as people I'd only see over at the Hallows! It was an awesome time and I know just about everyone had a rockin' time. I took a lot of pictures though I only had my long lens with me so most of the pictures I could've gotten of just people close up had to be skipped since I need to be at least 5 feet away and THEN I'm only getting your head and possibly your shoulders. xD lol. Anywho, here following this rambling of an adolecent female is some pictures freshly uploaded to the interwebs for your entertainment ..

Allie ♥ She's so pretty. xD I bet she doesn't even try. grr, jealous!

Zachary Windchester Phillips is the most amazing guy ever. Lol. singer that is. He is hilarious and in-between each of the bands he sung these amazing parodies and had me cracking up so hard! He also throws some pretty awesome parties too. xD

So the diet is going well thus far and I'm going to try to get under 200 by either next weekend OR the middle of the week after. ;D Wish me luck! DDR and walking the dog .. here I come!

That's all for now, nest installment will be a manip I did of pictures of the band smashed together. xD cause I am too lazy to upload five separte ones. xD WHOOT.

♥ Toodles.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

goals, parties & "fun" fights

So Heidi is going to be due May 31st though me and a few others think the baby will be a June baby, how fun! Speaking of Heidi and NY and all that jazz, me and Laura are going to try to plan on going to NY January 14th-17th to see her, give her presents and etc! =D Dont'cha love my specifics?

My hair is now pretty well bleached up on top in the middle and now I'm just waiting, 5 days says my Aunt Phyllis who helped me on Sat, until I am gonna go back and do the black underneath and possibly the purple over the blonde. It's cool and all but I was gonna see if a three way color looked good -- I dunno. Blonde/White, Purple and then black? Maybe? I dunno. I'm gonna try to go there on Friday if my schedule allows since I have Thurs-Sat off right now and I have "sorta" plans for all three days. Thursday I might be hanging out with Karen, and if so, I won't know how long. On Friday I'm going to the movies with my parents (though that'll take only a few hours). And Sat night I'm going to the Teratoma show at the Hayloft.

Last night Joker had another one of his shindigs and it was amazing! It was a costume party (though I didn't know) and showed up to find Karen and Matt as zombies, Trevor as King Diamond (LOL) and tons of funny and some .. not so funny costumes. One dude got kicked teh shit out of by Joker aka Zachary Windchester Phillips -- the kid had it coming though since he f-ing wouldn't stop trying to fight this other drunk guy for "fun". *shakes head* men I swear . .

On another note these guys in the kitchen that were singing at the end of teh night were hilarious! They make all these sing along songs while their drunk and just .. it was a good time that was for sure! I didn't wanna leave but Trevor did so we left around 2:30 ish am and I remember glancing to my clock which said 3:30 am before I passed out. Lol. At least I worked at 8a instead of the usual 6a.

To wrap it up ... *glances around room* I NEED TO CLEAN THIS PLACE. *sigh* now to go weigh myself and feel more ugly. But yeah, changing it all. I'm gonna try to loose 60 lbs in 6 months. so by my Birthday I wanna look lean, mean and like a hella sexay machine! ;D


Monday, November 09, 2009

Fly by .. WHOOSH

Wow, October has flown by thanks to my second job at the Haunted House known as "Haunted Hallows. They became my second family in the month of October and I can't wait to see them throughout the spring and summer next year and into the fall!

So Laura and Nikki recently had birthdays and oh! the best news ever is .. my Heidi is pregnant! XD She's about 3 1/2 months along and going strong. *dances* I can't wait for the little bundle to be born! 8D

So Christmas is coming and I'm planning what I want to get for a few people as well as pay of my debt little by little over these months since month mom is going to AWESOMELY let me by-pass the rent I pay for 4 weeks. *dance* So that means more money to use on my lufferly family and friends. I already have two presents so far (dad & phyllis) so I still got Mia, Mom, Trevor, Laura, Heidi (and the baby), Nicole annnd ... possibly a few more if my wallet can handle it. ♥

Toodles for now