Monday, December 21, 2009

Manipulations & Some Stress

So for my first order of business I said I'd post up my manip I finished of the band member graphic I did. =] And here it is! Whoot! I'm really glad they liked it!

Phew. Anyways, lately it's been rough. Recently my mom has been to the hospital after an MRI resulted in "findings" and the doctor told us that she had a mass on the left side of her brain. It is too deep to remove with effecting both her motor skills and speech permanently. This all happened starting last week on Wednesday. =[ She was recently supposed to have a biopsy but there was a mis-communication about the day and they wanted to do it on Christmas Eve .. mom passed in favor of just doing it on Monday of next week. I've been really stressed out and just a mess in the head and at work, suck it up Jess! heh.

Anywho, I have basically the whole rest of the week off. (pause as Trevor called ^^) Might wander on over to Trevors house for a portion of the day. Mom said something about going to see Nikki and her mom tomorrow morning so we'll see what happens then. I also gotta put that black duct tape to use and tape up my back window before it rains/snows again. @-@;; urgh.

Anywho! Christmas shopping is done for now ... I mean, I'm going to find out some stuff tomorrow and see if what I wanna get will work for Nikki but yeah. ♥ I think that's all for now, I gotta go stress over a manipulation I said I'd do. ><

♥ Toodles.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Relaxing after Teratoma Concert!!!

Boy was that an awesome show! I only disliked one band out of the four and by dislike I mean not like as much as the others .. the vocals were .. not fitting of the musicians that were playing. =/ Sorta sad but it happens and I had an awesome time. =D The usual crowd was there and I saw both people from the Joker get-together's as well as people I'd only see over at the Hallows! It was an awesome time and I know just about everyone had a rockin' time. I took a lot of pictures though I only had my long lens with me so most of the pictures I could've gotten of just people close up had to be skipped since I need to be at least 5 feet away and THEN I'm only getting your head and possibly your shoulders. xD lol. Anywho, here following this rambling of an adolecent female is some pictures freshly uploaded to the interwebs for your entertainment ..

Allie ♥ She's so pretty. xD I bet she doesn't even try. grr, jealous!

Zachary Windchester Phillips is the most amazing guy ever. Lol. singer that is. He is hilarious and in-between each of the bands he sung these amazing parodies and had me cracking up so hard! He also throws some pretty awesome parties too. xD

So the diet is going well thus far and I'm going to try to get under 200 by either next weekend OR the middle of the week after. ;D Wish me luck! DDR and walking the dog .. here I come!

That's all for now, nest installment will be a manip I did of pictures of the band smashed together. xD cause I am too lazy to upload five separte ones. xD WHOOT.

♥ Toodles.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

goals, parties & "fun" fights

So Heidi is going to be due May 31st though me and a few others think the baby will be a June baby, how fun! Speaking of Heidi and NY and all that jazz, me and Laura are going to try to plan on going to NY January 14th-17th to see her, give her presents and etc! =D Dont'cha love my specifics?

My hair is now pretty well bleached up on top in the middle and now I'm just waiting, 5 days says my Aunt Phyllis who helped me on Sat, until I am gonna go back and do the black underneath and possibly the purple over the blonde. It's cool and all but I was gonna see if a three way color looked good -- I dunno. Blonde/White, Purple and then black? Maybe? I dunno. I'm gonna try to go there on Friday if my schedule allows since I have Thurs-Sat off right now and I have "sorta" plans for all three days. Thursday I might be hanging out with Karen, and if so, I won't know how long. On Friday I'm going to the movies with my parents (though that'll take only a few hours). And Sat night I'm going to the Teratoma show at the Hayloft.

Last night Joker had another one of his shindigs and it was amazing! It was a costume party (though I didn't know) and showed up to find Karen and Matt as zombies, Trevor as King Diamond (LOL) and tons of funny and some .. not so funny costumes. One dude got kicked teh shit out of by Joker aka Zachary Windchester Phillips -- the kid had it coming though since he f-ing wouldn't stop trying to fight this other drunk guy for "fun". *shakes head* men I swear . .

On another note these guys in the kitchen that were singing at the end of teh night were hilarious! They make all these sing along songs while their drunk and just .. it was a good time that was for sure! I didn't wanna leave but Trevor did so we left around 2:30 ish am and I remember glancing to my clock which said 3:30 am before I passed out. Lol. At least I worked at 8a instead of the usual 6a.

To wrap it up ... *glances around room* I NEED TO CLEAN THIS PLACE. *sigh* now to go weigh myself and feel more ugly. But yeah, changing it all. I'm gonna try to loose 60 lbs in 6 months. so by my Birthday I wanna look lean, mean and like a hella sexay machine! ;D


Monday, November 09, 2009

Fly by .. WHOOSH

Wow, October has flown by thanks to my second job at the Haunted House known as "Haunted Hallows. They became my second family in the month of October and I can't wait to see them throughout the spring and summer next year and into the fall!

So Laura and Nikki recently had birthdays and oh! the best news ever is .. my Heidi is pregnant! XD She's about 3 1/2 months along and going strong. *dances* I can't wait for the little bundle to be born! 8D

So Christmas is coming and I'm planning what I want to get for a few people as well as pay of my debt little by little over these months since month mom is going to AWESOMELY let me by-pass the rent I pay for 4 weeks. *dance* So that means more money to use on my lufferly family and friends. I already have two presents so far (dad & phyllis) so I still got Mia, Mom, Trevor, Laura, Heidi (and the baby), Nicole annnd ... possibly a few more if my wallet can handle it. ♥

Toodles for now

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Frustrating Mixed Emotions

First of all, my bank sucks. They truly do. I'm quitting them once in for all once this interest comes through on my savings account from the save the change dealie-o. After that ... DONE. I'm going to the Flagstar bank in the Kroger parking lot and getting that $100 dollars and splitting it since half will go towards the joint account for my and Trev and the other will go towards my savings. <3 So frustrated right now cause of my credit cards and my eating ... stuff and exercising and just .. everything seems to be stressing me out recently and I really think it's the Depo comming out of my system since I got my shot done on the 11th or 12th of June.

*sigh* man, sighing feels so good. I don't know what it is but whenever I feel the need to overthink or just, in general, stress over things and all that I sigh and I feel pressure just ease off of my chest ... almost like the feeling of taking your first breath of air after holding it forever. It's odd and I was just thinking about it for awhile.

And well ... since Trevor apparently doesn't want me to go to all his party things then I wont and I'll try to make the best of everything and so my own hanging out get-togethers. I wasn't asking to hang out with his friends when it was one on one .. I was asking to go along to party type deals. UGH. It makes me feel like he doesn't want me around .. it really hurts.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Blast From the PAST! + some other stuff

Recently I have been trying to make the best out of my life and try to involve myself more in party things and just all in all having fun! Last night was a blast getting to go to Joker's house for a small bonfire as well as go to this other girl Beck's house to swim and just chill -- until 5 am! I drove Trev, Matt & Ryan there though only Trev and Ryan back since uh ... -cough- Matt and Beck seemed to have other plans when we finally decided to leave. It's nice that Matt seems to have found someone although Trev says that him and McCormick have both thought that Matt's probably going to find something out about her he doesn't like within the next few months. Well, I hope that they're wrong and all but who knows what teh future holds, right?

Been trying to find some crafts to do recently but nothing is snagging my interest. I was trying these crochet dolls a friend of mine Allie told me about and lent be a book on, though I was using this cotton yarn and it just fell apart and frustrated me. Though I might try it now with the regular Lyon yarn or something. Speaking of yarn! I'm going to use these cash coupons I got from my work to by some more of Trevor's afghan color. <3

Annnd! Trevor says he's gonna try and look at my computer and see what's up, which is awesome! (and mean's it's free. lol) If not I will either bug our friend Tom or Doug .. though Tom is my first bet since Doug is only just becoming friendly with me. Time will tell but he's opening up. =]

Oh wow, an old friend of mine, Seth, just called me! xD It's so awesome cause I haven't heard from him in forever but just, wow! It's awesome that I can still have some ties to back in the day. Lol. But yeah, just talking about what we've been doing and photoshooping! hehe.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Small Updates + Future Promises

Blah, so I'm waiting for Trevor to call. >> Though I'm passing the time by roleplaying with my Heidi-kins --- geez I never thought we'd STILL be doing that this long! xD lol.

On a side note I cut my hair and dyed it red (with some blonde) and I GUESS it's okay. hehe. But I want it to be different again ... I'm so indecisive! xP Like right now I wanna go and buy some hair dye but o_o I'm too frickin' lazy. I just went and walked around by Metro Beach with Nikki earlier and my keet are killin me. xP

YAY ( Trevor just called, lol )

But anywho, I suppose rant and rave time will be for later. :] Or well, story time anyway.

Toodles! ♥

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Everything is Good .. I Think?

So me and Trevor talked and all that nonsense and he is really pushing me to be more active and just ... non-lazy. I can't say I blame him. I feel bad that he's sits at his house, waits for me, only to have me to come in and wanna fall asleep. @.@ Bleh. I don't mean to it's just ... his bed is soooo comfy! And besides that it smells like him. Mmmmm.

On a side note I have to go get everything replaced like my drivers license and all that, it had gotten stolen I think, though on a different occasion than my car getting broken into.

So off to making lists and going on a bike ride. Toodles!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Summer Fun & Stress All In One

Blah, I'm so lazy. I haven't been getting anything done that I've said I would. Besides the fact that it's fathers day tomorrow and all (bought my dad some Carhartt shorts he wanted) I really don't give a **** about anything. I've been so lethargic lately that I think I'm going to try and take some iron supplements for the fact that I'm going vegetarian, starting today. It's the beginning of a new week .. and the start of a new way of life. I feel good about this.

Also, I made up a little chart for myself that seperates what calories to the max I should be taking and what I actually take in, plus weight and then weight for the week lost/gained. I also am prolly gonna have to fit in somewhere what I ate and what each thing was. That'll help me. ALSO, stretching and cardio for some length of time each day. I know at least stretching tomorrow morning when I get up ... but I dunno. It depends on how much time I have if I wanna possibly go on a walk (with my Thor-man, hehe).

I'll try to update more tomorrow since I'm starting to get drowsy and I still have more cleaning to do and laundry before I go to bed. @-@;;

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Projects, art & running around!

So, I've been working on getting Bizarre Designs up and running on Myspace, getting my name spread around and trying to think of new things that I can make. ^^ hehe. Um, so far I've only had ideas for the coasters my mom showed me how to make and the lovely mini top hats that a stock artist I know gave me the permission to use .. and then play with the design a bit. -grins-

Graphics stuff has been running smoothly and I hope it keeps up! I'm actually reading the "Marked" series by the Cast sisters and I am tinkering with the idea of making a site based off of it though in a different universe .. AU if you will. =] I also have been working on traditional/sketching and drawing things, especially since I am in the middle of three art trades that I really wanna get done asap!

Oh my, I got a lot of stuff to do today. o-o . I need to get this picture printed, go to the library, go to Trev's Meijers to pick up his phone and go the repair center ... and more. I'm also gonna try to come home and play some more DDR, which Laura and me played a lot of last night. Whee!

But first ... a shower. ^-^;


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Birthday Wishes & Bowling

Whee, Trevor's Birthday is next week on Monday and I STILL haven't gotten his stupid present yet. Hardly a stupid present but yeah, actually he's picking it out and I'm buying. It's the truct's(?) for his skateboard, he wants a certain size and all that. So instead of sending me off with written stuff I'm just gonna take him to Corky's and have him pick out what he wants.
That's what he's gonna do for me though too, he's buying me a good quality belt like he has from the leather shop in Gibraltar. =3 whee. I can't wait. ^-^

All in all not a whole lot has been going on. Well, not that I feel like typing atm anyway. I went bowling with a good friend of mine, Sarah.

Whom! I haven't seen in quite awhile so it was really cool to see her. <3 Despite the fact I was sick as all HELL. x-x and the smoke and loud music didn't help either but .. -shrugs- whats a girl to do when she's invited to hang? Ignore the sickness and go anyway.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Shindigs with Matt

I've been looking forward to Matt's parties every Friday. It's like a stress reliever at the end of the week. I really hope he continues to do these for awhile. GO MATT & RYAN! =D

(that's me in the bottom right corner looking a bit scared. ;D)

So I'm doing to try and start putting my bottle cap jewelry into business since I've collected quite a few to last me awhile. But if you're drinking things with bottle caps (and you don't destroy them taking them off) then save em' and bring em' to the shindig for me! It's a 9/10 I'll be there every week Matt has a gathering.

Blech, I hate Meijers .... maybe I should try to work at Subway? ... >>;;

Besides all that jazz, I just dunno. =/ eep.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Massage Parties & Hospital Bills

Well not this past week, but the week before on Monday I fell really ill within a short amount of time. My sides in pain and excessive vomiting were the main symptoms besides a slight fever of 99.3 and well, it wasn't fun. I first went to the urgent care where they gave me anti-nausea medicine as well as a Motrin-type shot and then ended up sending my to the hospital. While I waited for about 4-5 hours I couldn't believe the volume of people were in that place. Long short short I went in, got some x-rays, was told I had kidney stones, and was sent off with 3 prescriptions and another set of shots. Fuck that.

I ended up staying my bed all of that week and Sunday, before I went to work on Monday and then passed the stone on Tuesday - fun stuff.

So I yeah, apparently I didn't have insurnace and had to call Meijer Benifets to talk to them. They told me there had been a glitch in the system and then put me back on, and damn when I got those bills without the insurance -whistles- I'm glad I got it. So I called everyone up and had to give them my insurance information, yay! No lapse in coverage! -dances-

All that has passed, I ended up missing photography club - whom I still owe $20 - and a few plans with friends, which I still feel horrible about. Though a lot of thinking and dreaming was done over that time. I've decided to try and start working on my violin again, though I first need to get the money to fix one of the strings pegs that is stripped. ><
Tonight we went to the Able's house for a massage party, and lemme tell you, if you haven't had a massage with heat stones - you gotta! They're amazing and just ... wow it felt sooo good. Besides seeing everyone, talking about World Inferno coming back to town on April 9th! FUCK YEAH. I'm stoked. It was good to see everyone.

I will have to stop by Catherine's(mom#2) and see if we are doing any photography stuff. If not I think I will call Laura since I've not seen her since a little while before my kidney stone incident. Blech.


Monday, February 02, 2009

Foozeball vs. Boozeball

Well, today was an interesting day to say the least. The VERY least at that.

Anyway, got home and took a nap. When I got up I was surprised when it was like .. 7ish and the game kick off was at 6:20? here I was, sleeping when I was supposed to be up and taking mom and dad to the game. I was surprised that no one had gotten me up. The sound of the t.v. also confused me since my first thought was that they would've went without me, regardless.

Mom was home, since apparently the party started before the game .. at like 4. So dad went ahead and mom stayed behind, was watching a movie when I got up, and we were ready and heading over around 8. I ended up staying and hanging out, since I haven't stayed for one of Mark Merriam's parties in quite awhile, and everyone was happy to see me.

Laura, my mom's friend from way back, pulled me over to introduce me to this lovely lady I hadn't talked to since forever! Like, 16 years. Her boys, Laura's boys and me all used to get babysat by this nice lady named Mrs. Shock, who we all just called Grandma Shock. Man, good times! I grew up rough-housing with those boys, oddly enough I hardly have any guy-friends I still talk to now-a-days; only my boy and his buds on occasion. But anyway, apparently were gonna all get together and have a dinner thing - which would be cool. ^-^

All in all, it was an alright party. Oh yeah, this is me and Mark, the host of our wonderful, headache pounding party.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Random Thoughts & Whatnot

I'm not very good at titles, am I? -points up and chuckles-

Anyway, the memorial was today (Sat) and it was alright, mostly it was just a lot of people Trevor hadn't seen since he was a kid, as they all kept saying that and doing the gesture of him being only knee high. ^^; I got to see his niece though and she was the most adorable thing ever. She really looked like the pictures of Sue when she was younger.

I was talking, though, to Al's good friend and his wife - though his wife mostly. Just about a few random things like cosmetology school and all that and how I could apply for grants and whatnot to go for free. I honestly had no idea about grants .. I just knew about the scholarships that you can get from different companies and all.

Randomly I'm updating my wishlist. To make it easier for mom. ;D for my birthday that is. lol

Toodles all.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Yarn, the Mall & Wii Games!

So .. today I got to hang out with my wonderful friend Laura ;D She and I made our rounds to Jo-Ann fabrics, Best Buy (to check her schedule), and also the mall wear we went to F.y.e, where I had to run back out to my car after I got to check out and realized I left my stuff outside in her car. Borders, though Laura didn't find what she wanted. American Eagle, where she DID find a hoodie and shirt for some store thing. Finally, Victoria's Secret, where she bought a bra (and FREE PANTIES) lol. >>;;

Anywho, besides that I've been planning on starting to make some stuff, though I haven't gotten off the ground with it. Though soon as I do! It will be awesome. I also have a huge To-Do list that I'm contemplating putting on here but I'm not sure. o-o Though it might give me some motivation. lol.

Yea, I've been working on planning out doing things once a day, but so far it's just stuff in my head. Though I swear after this I will make a plan and see what I can do! This includes learning more CSS, maybe even some Java, working on my graphics more and re-painting things with teh tablet, coloring with the tablet, drawing different poses, working on reading up on styles with necklaces as well as thinking up some. And so much more! Besides all the sites I'm on... I sorta gotta organize my time with those too. O-o;; Damnit.

Oh yeah, I cleaned my room pretty good the other day, I'm so proud! ^0^ I just gotta do finishing touches with my desk and a little bit in my bookcase. Hehe.