Friday, December 05, 2008

Weird noises & Stuff


Ahem, anywho! I have been working on two skins today, very time consuming I might add as well as getting sucked into making another character for a board I'm on as well. It's so exciting .. drama! XD Yea .. I am a sucker for rps and the like. But now my fingers are stiff and my legs and butt hurt from sitting here all day. Damnit. >> I need a social life. Lol

Randomness #2: there's something in the vent above my door that goes into the hallway cause everytime the fan for our furnace somes on a weird buzzing noise comes from it. But it's only in my room you can hear it and it's ONLY when teh door is closed all the way .. if you open it it goes away .. O.o

-cough- so .. I need people to be my models. I'm craving doing a photoshoot but can't find anybody who wants to! O_O; driving me craaazzyyyyy...

Alright, that's enough for now. Really, only because my brain is mush and I can't think of much else but vampires, lycans, drama, CODING YAAY ORANGE, and random bits of fluff.


Thursday, December 04, 2008

Chirstmas Is Coming!

Oh boy, that one time of year that I really just feel stressed out about what to get the people I'm getting gifts for. >.< And one thing is too, that I need to also go and take a picture of the ShutterBugs' place of the month and work on the contest entry as well. o-o;;

Mmmm, I added a Wishlist to the column on the side for fun. I think I'll keep it though and update it year round. =3

I also need to get working on doing my projects. ^-^ Though they're a secret so you'll all have to find out when I post pictures. =3 hehe.

But I need to go for now and work on filling up my dresser once more .. :d


Saturday, November 01, 2008

Here's to the GYM!!

So I've been trying to get to the gym more often - speaking of - my official gym card came in the mail! Whoot! Now I won't have that flimsy thing I gotta carry around. Hehe. Anywho ..

Trevor and I went to Blakes Haunted Hay Ride and Haunted Barn -- I love that place! Escpecially the "Black Hole" at the end cause it makes you feel like you're gonna fall over. xD hehehe. I <3 it. He was talking about making it a tradition from now on to go there on Halloween - I'm all for it! Heh, on a side note - Happy First Kiss Baby! xD;; Yes i'm gay. lol.

Well, I got home about two hours ago and helped dad do the leaves - even though I was supposed to be here three hours before that (10am). -__-;; Well geez, staying out late at Lisa's party didn't help either though. blah. Speaking of! I will have to upload all those pictures of mine as well ... and make sure I do my laundry and whatnot.

Sad news, my grandfather is in the hospital again and it has me worried. He was in there before for getting his gall bladder removed and then had to stay in there because when they took it out it was infected and the infection went into his stomach. -sighs- But he's getting a pace-maker put in on Monday - maybe I will be able to go up and see him. I also want to print out a picture of me and him that my mom took last Thanksgiving. =) at least .. I think it was .. I'm pretty sure though. >.<

Right, rambling and all that. I swear I could probably go on forever if ya let me! xD;;


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Shivers & NaNoWriMo??

Well the one thing that is bugging me is the fact that my room is SO freaking cold and the rest of the house is warm. >.< Grr. -suffers stubbornly instead of getting a blanket-

Anywho, recently I've really not been happy with work and I am looking into finding another job since Meijers is really pushing my patience. I mean, I haven't been late in awhile but now I'm getting written up because 'The Amazon' like to watch us from the back room. Well fuck her because I had that floor looking awesome! Though I am wondering about if I was supposed to do an order or not. Oh well, we're definately not a busy store so hopefully I'll cross my fingers and we don't have a rare occurence where we're busy or otherwise. O.o;; Plus CAO always comes in as well so we're not totally screwed if I was supposed to .. besides! As Sharon always says "you're a specialty clerk, your not supposed to do the jobs of others you're not specified to do" Oye!

Recently, last week actually, I've joined a gym! I actually used to go there with my mom but years back we quite because of money issues. Me and Trevor signed up on Wednesday last week and it's been great so far! I'm probably going to go up there for a bit and then possibly call Maria and see if she's available. ^-^ Then I'll have to remember and see if she got Laura's Elphaba stage make-up or not and also pay her for it. xD; And possibly have a small photoshoot. The one with Trevor will possibly have to wait a bit longer. Oooo ... punks in winter? xD I'll have to post some pictures if/when it happens. Plus Maria wants to do some staged pictures with blood and all that jazz.

NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month --- which takes place in November and is all about writing a novel in a month. It sounds like a lot of fun and since I only have work and play -- I'll have plenty of free time to try and fit this in! xD But yes, I have to be heading off to bed soon .. possibly wake up early to shop and whatnot before work. ^^


Sunday, October 05, 2008

Today Like Other Days ..

It was normal today. I had spent the night over my boyfriends house so that means a half-hour more or sleep! Not that it means I go to bed at the same time. Hehe. <3 But anywho, work was decent -- I was a little out of it but yea ..

I found out my grandpa was in the hospital on my lunch break ..

That news sorta made the rest of my day rather dull but I ended up going back over my boyfriends, Trevor, house and ended up hanging out, sleeping and randomly listening to him play his bass. I love just sorta laying there and watchign him go about his stuff -- but I mentioned to him we should go dumpster diving soon since we haven't been in like ... forever. ;__; But he said we should too so hopefully we can ... maybe before he leaves for Chicago. =[ Merg.

Other than that .. my mom bought me Coca-Cola! XD WHOOT. It's only a 2 liter ... and will probably be finished off tomorrow ... but I love her for thinking of me. I'm the biggest Coca-Cola addict you'll ever meet.

Errr ... I just realized I haven't eaten since my lunch break ... oh well. xP


Tuesday, September 09, 2008

NYC & Weddings

Besides the fact that I waited way too long to make the dress for Heidi's wedding .. this week is uneventful so far --- forget the fact it's only Monday. =x lol. I've been catching up with graphics requests and am about to kick ass finishing up them tomorrow/today and also finishing my dress. x.x Which I suspect will take the day since we worked on it for 6-7 hours today and got two parts finished. Hopefully it will come together .. and I really hope it fits my fat ass -- DAMNIT.

Anywho, I'm going to be really putting my foot down. I haven't even touched Trevors bag[murse] in a really long time so I think on the way to NYC I might work on that and maybe even bring one of my knitting projects as well. Man .. just thought about it .. I need shoes. And to go to the bank tomorrow. I guess $150 at least is being taken out for hotel/gas/shoes. The ending item hopefully not going past $25 or some crap. And I'm so gonna try to bring my camera. <3 Or I might steal my old camera back from Trevor for this trip and then give it back after. <3 hehe. I mean .. it's easier to transport and all that at least. O.o;;

Toodles for now.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Merow .. ?

Feeling somewhat better ... okay a lot better and starting to work on ideas both for my personal website and as well as ideas for some dA submissions since I wanna draw in some people - ya know? I mean, I know commissions wouldn't be the best way to get money but if I can get myself into a schedule I think I can do it.

Also! I got most of the pieces for the dress cut out today, me and Trevor sorta had a group sewing pow-wow thing and he sat and was working on patching a friends pants while I worked on my dress. I'm actually really tempted to at least finish the lining -- the frustrating part is just the cutting and lining the pieces up because the main material is so thick, and it was hard enough to pin by itself, now it's double frustrating because I'm trying to pin another two layers of fabric to the main material and it's .. BLAH.

Besides that I need to get to work on my posts. Which I've now joined a Wolf RP run by Mou and her friend .. o.o -sweatdrop- and I started up a mini-request thread at the RPGC. AHH! Well, I have two requests at ED and one to finish at WD and then I'm set there .. and two at this mini-request place. O.o;; urgh. I hope I can get this crap done fast! Plus maintain all my boards. =P I need to test out a multi-colored name code that a member at ED gave me and a few other things as well. Oh yeah, I need to finish the two ... three tutorials I have started for TT. -sighs- and maybe get lots of sleep -- I've been so sleepy lately. u__u;;

Toodles. <33

Monday, September 01, 2008

UGH and double UGH

Right now I am really at my wits end with my mom and I don't know why. I mean, I can barely stand talking to her anymore right now because all she has to say is something that I do wrong or something that I NEED to be doing or just NAGGING in general. It drives me up the wall, makes me grind my teeth, and just makes me want to scream and forget I wanted to do anything. I dunno, she gets under my skin to the point of pain. I planned on doing so much today and I just don't know .. I can't.

I think it's because we're so much alike or something .. I dunno, that's fine and dandy but I just need a break. I can't get along with my dad but I just .. it's like scratching nails and TEETH down a chalkboard .. imagine that .. feel the shiver? yea...

Besides all that I'm going to lay out Heidi's dress tomorrow on my blanket, great idea Mom #2!, and get everything cut out. That is my goal! If I can get to the piecing then that's super. >P I have 9 days to do this like 7 part dress. Though help will be needed for the pleats and mom # 2 is helping .. so we're all good. I hope it fits fine though, since I've lost a little bit of weight. Yay me.

Been working on all sorts of stuff! I need to get some D-rings from the hardware store for Trevors bag since he got me a strap and then I'm just gonna patch it up and tah-dah! A simple project I never set my mind too. Damnit. =( I wish I would've finished it faster. Trevor's so patient and even helps push me along. <3 I love you baby.

Toodles for now.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Concerts & Random Stuff

Well I bought an addition to my ratty's [Melody] home, =) and I think she's pretty happy with it, climbing all about as she has in it. Though I had to go to the pet store today and buy some special clips for my tank because it's not a more modern tank with a lid that goes over the top but instead a lid that settles inside the top. O.o;;

Anywho, Tonight I'm going over Trevors, possibly spending the night and all that jazz but if I don't I'll definitely be spending the night tomorrow. That also reminds me that I need to bug Trevor about changing his water and also bringing a sample of water up to the AB Aquarium to get his water tested -- as well as get to look at the Galla or as the pet people named him the "super algae eater" .. if this is true then he would be perfect for Trevor's tank. =3 whoot!

Plans for tomorrow are pretty bland besides the whole concert thing later on in the day =3 sweet! We're going with Larold and Tlyer and going to see the Pussy Pirates, Witchhunt, and ... damn it I can't think of the other band! x.x but it is an awesome line-up and that means it's gonna be crowded. @.@ damn it! Though for a "donation" of $6 to get in? hell yea!

Toodles for now. <3

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Internet Talking & Posting

Well, me and Roo are sitting around and chatting away, as well as roleplaying (of course) as we do whatever. She has a habit of chewing on or putting things in her mouth ... =o You were thinking dirty things weren't you? ... I know I was! =D Lol.

Besides all of that, I got to spend the night at muh babys house again. =D eeee. I love it when I can sleep next to him. hehe. And it was like total opposites .. I was all tired at night and whatnot and then in the morning he was .. and of course we're both bugging each other both times. lol. Plus all that extra heat in the bed from sharing body heat isn't comfy in the summer. x.x But I love it at the same time. lol


Monday, August 11, 2008

The Mall & Cleaning

Well, I attempted to start cleaning my room yesterday and got pretty far with it garbage picking-up wise, though I need to start up again, go through some stuff, and get ready to possibly start packing up tons of crap for the Salvation Army tomorrow. We just finished a yard-sale we had and there is TONS of stuff left over. It wasn't organized as it should've been and we only made a grand total of 90-something dollars over 3 days ... that's not a lot considering the amount of stuff we had and the amount of stuff we managed to pull out at the end of the second day. @.@ Anywho, tomorrow looks like yard work and packaging stuff up, besides maybe going to see my baby. Maybe even tonight if he lets me. -grins excitedly-

Man, I'm just as bad as my mom with cleaning organizing. I can do a little bit every day but it takes some effort to do a lot without getting sidetracked and all that. Heh. I hope I'm not this bad when/if I have my own place. Though with money issues at this point in time with car insurance, which mom just told me she would start to pay half of - YAY! cause she's using the car, and credit cards and phone bills plus a wedding coming up and my random moments of wanting things -- it's tight. xD;; Not too tight ... but enough. Also I'm hoping my pay raise is coming soon since that will help a little and I'm going to be changing my savings account to a direct deposit account so I can get better interest on it as well. =) Interest is always good.

All for now. I'm going to get to cleaning and possibly some drawing. <33

Late Night Thoughts

Trevor came over to visit after work, yay! Though I worry about him sometimes since before me he used to either only hang out with Doug or basically be a loner. He tends to pull away sometimes and I understand that's how it is with him, because usually in a couple days he'll pull out of this and apologize about being distant and all that -- though I understand already and think he doesn't need to. I think I might buy him some flowers or something and cheer him up, he's just seemed down lately -- plus he says he isn't sleeping well though sleeping over the other night helped him ... until I had to go to work. =( My poor baby.

I hope I get to see him tomorrow, if not I'm going to go over there Tuesday or something before he gets off and wait for him and snuggle him to death. xD Well, minus the whole death part. Plus I might be nice and through in a back rub. <3

Off to bed. Gotta work tomorrow. xP <3 Loves and hugs.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Same Stuff. Different Day.

Well it's been awhile, so I figured I'd update and whatnot. I've been doin' the usual work, sleep and play routine for most of the summer; though I'm going to still be doing it when fall/winter comes around since I'm not going back to school. Though I do plan on going back next year, I really do; I just think a break will do me some good. <3

Well, concerts and weddings are in my future! Though seriously folks, the wedding ain't for me. xD My BFF Heidi is getting married and I'm standing up in it! Now the dilemma atm is this ... I need to make my dress! Though my mom is going to JoAnns tomorrow and I think I just might tag along to get the material, which isn't that much surprisingly. =) It's only about 2 1/2 yards for both the material of the dress and the lining -- not a lot! xD -pumps fist- I. am. poor! xD;;;

And speaking of concerts I am going to one this Friday; whoot! It's down at the Trumble Plex so not far really, and I have to say I enjoy going down there and watching all the crusty's wandering about. Though the one girl needs to where something other than hot-pants when she doesn't have the ass nor figure for it. blech!

I need to start updating my dA, damn am I lazy or what! Though to scan anything I need to go on mom's computer. It seems to hate me now whenever I go on .. I think it realizes I abandoned it for my new baby. -pets- hehe. Speaking of new babies I have a new forum that I'll add over under my links { well actually two } for you all to check out. One is a vampire, werewolf rpg that is a sister site to another forum I'm on that's been dying as of late; this one is based on if humans were actually the dominant ones over the immortals - scary huh?
The second site is a forum, Trailing Thought, dedicated to tutorials and premades and just helping out people with their sites in general. I think it's going to be a big hit once I start advertising. Staff wanted/needed w/ experience! xD hehe. graphic manipulation and general moderating that is.

Well, done for the night I think. I'm now bugging my friend Roo to join Blogger. >.>;; hopefully she will.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Cars, Hallmark Holidays & Tests

Well it's been awhile, over a month, but I didn't seem to have the time to sit down and actually write something down.

The more and more I listen to people, the more and more I find them to be selfish assholes. Granted I am an ass, and almost everyone is selfish to a degree, but not to this level. Such as people that take classes that are easy A's and then make fun of the people who are having difficulty learning it at a faster pace than high-school. Fucking bitches.

Valentines Day was alright, though I ended up spending it with Trevor and one of his friends Larold. Though I didn't mind because the guy didn't have anyone else to be with. So we all ended up at Denny's until at least 1 am. Whee? Anywho, my boyfriend got in an accident - long story short he hit ice on I-94, hit the wall once or twice, and then slide right and under a semi trailer. He's alright but his car is history. Supposedly he went and got some pictures but yeesh, I dunno if I even wanna see em'! I was also supposed to be in the car when he got in the accident except I had decided to not go because I wasn't feeling well. Yikes.

School. What can I say about it except that it sucks? >.< I have a test tomorrow and I am NOT wanting to take it. Though I don't have Pych. WHEE! ( I didn't even realize this until I found my schedule for that class this morning. Lol. )

Anywho, I've been working more and more on drawings and all that; go check it out!

I think my style is turning into a type of "doll" style -- either that or Disney. Oo. A couple of my drawings ended up looking like a few different characters.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Stares & Cleaning

Yesterday was pretty fun, though I had to work in the morning I had only worked a half shift because I thought I had school at 11 ... well school doesn't start until next week! -_-; So I ended up going over to Trev's and telling him after I got offa work at 10 and then we slept at least until 2:30 in the afternoon. What fun, eh? We went up to Richmond and got stared at by this lady in Kroger cause we were wearing our bandannas I think .. I mean, besides the fact we were wearing clothes that were patched up and whatnot .. it was totally the bandannas. Haha. I think she was also dumbfounded since we asked her where the health food section was and I had to go into detail as say soy products and whatnot. Stupid ass.

Then we ended up going around to banks and shit cause Trev needed to pay some stuff and then basically chilled at his house and fixed his car up. YAY! The thing was, that it had been taken apart for at least a week or more and it was just time to fuckin' get that thing workin'.

So I should prolly start cleaning my room and shit, since I need to wait for the male parental to get home so I can help put the x-mas stuff back up into the shed so it doesn't stay laying around the house forever. We already have too much crap in this house because of my mom's business. Well, not crap per say but everything of hers ends up leaking into almost every room but the bedrooms and bathrooms. ^^;

Toodles for now.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

School and Fun!

Well, school is starting on Monday and I have to say that -- AH! I dun wanna! But I made a promise to myself, my mother, and my boyfriend that I would do much better this year (my GPA will love me for it). I also wanna try and keep up on this blog because having one, or a journal or that matter, to look back to is always cool. :3 I mean, a hand-written one is awesome but typing is just SO much easier! Hehe. I just hope this place stays up for awhile! I haven't really been part of a blogging community really until now -- though minus the community part since it doesn't have the groups (or does it?) that a lot of people join and invite people with similar interests and all that like live journal used to do.

So Trevor's car has been acting up so I think I might be driving for awhile to school, which also reminds me I need to sign into the school's web site and look up my schedule for this semester. x) Me and Trevor finally were able to sign up for classes together so our schedules are right in line with each other so we get all our free time together! :3 Yay! Speaking of Trevor I have to get in touch with him to get him to come over to Larry's when he gets offa work since I forgot that I had plans with him and I was just asked to babysit - doh! Oh well, I might head up there to see him for a bit and tell him since Larry doesn't need me until 8-ish he said.

I so need to work on my graphics more, ugh! I mean, I subscribed to deviantart and all and need to update! Plus I need to get my photography account up and running. ^^

Anywho, now I'm getting distracted because there's more peoples in the house and all and one of my friends is over. So I'm gonna save more of my rantings for .. tomorrow I guess. ^^;

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Christmas, Annaversaries and Work

Things have been going well so far. It being just after the holidays I feel ... blah I guess you could say. I got a few nice things for Christmas and all, a massaging mat and G.H. III which me and my bf, Trevor, have been playing adamantly since I brought it over his house. I don't mind leaving it over there just cause I know he'll take good care of it like he takes care of me. Our anniversary is 12.22 and though there were no presents or anything, he took me out to dinner to a place called 'The Melting Pot' - for those of you who don't know what this place is - it's a fondue restaurant. The place was beautiful! And we got a booth that was in a small, more secluded side room that was really great. I loved going and we talking about going back for our next anni but I suppose we'll just have to see.

Last night I got to go over my friend Laura's house, we made a run to Taco Bell and then watched the Resident Evil Trilogy -- with her there explaining some things it made more sense than ever! xD Hehehe. She's lucky she has money to throw around with box sets and such - though speaking of box-sets I used some of my x-mas money to buy myself one; Fruits Basket! <33 I've finished the first two DVDs but I haven't started the other ones. What sucks though is that it only goes up to 26 Episodes which is only part-way through the series. I would LOVE if they came out with another box-set. -dancedance-

So I was working yesterday, New Years Day - fun? O.o ... anywho, and had to get there at 6 am. Besides the thick, sticky snow (gigglesnort) I made it there alright since I had spent the night over Trevor's the night before, who lived 5 minutes away from my work. I get there and I'm working with Rob, who is the meat cutter ( for everyones information who DOESN'T know me that well - or just hasn't heard be talk about my job - I work in the meat/seafood department of a grocery store ) and supposedly this new girl is coming in an hour later. Well 7 o'clock rolls around and she's still not there .. and I'm talking with Rob about it since she's called in and not shown up to work quite a few times within the past couple weeks. You see, we all have scheduled jobs, Rob cuts the meat and fills the counter, I was supposed to unload the shipment that came in (which was 5 pallets for those of you who are in retail and know what I'm talking about - or know someone who is) and work everything and make the back room look pretty. She was supposed to set up the fresh counter, where you buy all the fish fillets, frozen fish, and fresh beef, pork, etc. Well it gets to about 7:30 when the morning grocery manager comes over and tells me she quit. This translates to -- now I gotta do two peoples work when I knew I would barely finish my own job on time. SHIT. Lemme tell you - I was pissed right the hell off. O.o -sighs- but I suppose it's a good thing because we're going to be getting our hours cut soon and with her quitting it gives my manager, Kenny, more hours to work with and disperse.

I just realized I didn't make a New Years resolution ... uh ... no wait - do better in school! Eheh. ^^;

But I suppose that's enough ranting. :3 Toodles minna-san!